Sunday, April 19, 2015

Greek Mythology Websites

In prepping for another week of mythology, I have been exploring some different websites for my students to research different gods and goddesses! I found some pretty cool sites and wanted to share them!

  • Winged Sandals: This interactive site includes both online and printable activities that help kids learn about Greek mythology.


  • Odyssey Online: Kids can explore this site to learn more about the mythology (and more) of Egypt, Greece, Rome, and other ancient cultures.  Features items are virtual museum objects, with detailed information about each item that help kids assemble a holistic picture of each culture.

  • Encyclopedia Mythica: This reference site provides extensive information about mythology from cultures around the world, including an image gallery. 

  • Mythweb: Kids who are interested in Greek mythology can explore this site to learn about gods, goddesses, and heroes.

  • Theoi Greek Mythology: This site provides an extensive array of examples of Greek mythology in classical art and literature.

  • Living Myths: Celtic, Greek, Native American, and Chinese myths are the focus of this storytelling site.

  • Myth Man: This site features a Greek “myth of the month.”

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