Friday, April 24, 2015

Mythology Anchor Charts

This is the first anchor chart that my students saw when they walked in the morning we began mythology! The week prior to the unit, we discussed legends and watched Hercules after testing one afternoon. This was the perfect connection to have going into a unit surrounding myths. We still refer back to this chart throughout our reading/activities - I recommend having something similar to this in your classroom when you teach Greek Mythology or read The Lightning Thief!

As Percy's journey continued, my class began to realize that Percy faces a new challenge almost every chapter. In one of the chapters, we came across the word "quest." What an awesome stopping discussion - what is Percy's quest in this chapter? What is his ultimate quest? How does his journey on the quest change him? The students had a great time recalling the challenges that Percy had faced up to the point where we were in the book, and it was a great way to check for understanding on whether they truly knew the meaning of the word.
I made this anchor chart AFTER my class developed a definition together so that the knowledge was student-made!

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